Once limited to high-end luxury automobiles, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are becoming a fixture in vehicles of all types. This technology is designed to alert drivers to specific dangers including such features as 360 degree cameras, warnings when the vehicle starts drifting into another lane of traffic, and automatic emergency braking. A 2015 survey by McKinsey & Company estimates that up to 17 percent of new car buyers in the U.S. choose to purchase optional ADAS and, more importantly, 89 percent of the drivers currently using ADAS want to purchase a car with these systems in the future. As prices for ADAS decline, the demand for these systems is likely to increase even more.
With Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) features on the rise, the insurance industry needs a solution for ADAS camera recalibration to ensure that safety and the convenience customers crave. Safelite has the answer.
Learn more about our solution and the rising technology features in the automotive industry.